Volume 8 Call for Submissions – Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Journal





The PTO Journal is a peer-reviewed, annual publication produced by Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed, Inc. Our mission is to create a scholarly and community-based space for critical dialogue about oppressive social structures and actions in pursuit of collective liberation, and to foster collaborative connections that share, develop, promote, and document how transformative theory and practice can affect social change locally and globally. We encourage first-time authors, activists, liberatory artists and educators, who want to contribute.

We take inspiration from Theatre and Pedagogy of the Oppressed, systematized by Augusto Boal and Paulo Freire, respectively; from the liberatory social movements that preceded them; and from all who continue struggling for collective liberation today. For Volume 8, we welcome contributions that consider the relationship and interdependence between the local and the global.

The global and the local are connected by “interlocking systems of oppression” that impact people’s everyday lives (Combahee River Collective, 1977). Local experiences and identities intersect and overlap, connecting communities beyond borders, and impacting the world. We invite contributors to examine how the relation between the local and the global manifests in cultural practices and strategies that challenge injustice and inequality, and reflect resistance and solidarity across borders and boundaries of all kinds. 

We encourage submissions that investigate liberatory forms of culture, theatre, and pedagogy, especially in relation to the interconnectedness of the global and the local. 


We are accepting submissions in both English and Portuguese for the 2024 PTO Journal!

While submissions are accepted at any time, and submitters are welcome to

contact the editors with ideas,

the due date for the 2024 Issue is May 24, 2024

Conference Reports and Florida authors’ essays due after PTO Conference: July 1, 2024

For more details visit http://scholarworks.uni.edu/ptoj or http://ptoweb.org

Contact the editors at ptojournaleditor@gmail.com / pfreitassantos@yahoo.com.br / aaronmooreellis@gmail.com



The 2024 issue of the Journal will be divided into 7 sections:

        Articles, Papers and Essays this section will include a wide variety of pieces that discuss, analyze, theorize, promote, and debate the contributions of Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) and Pedagogy of the Oppressed (PO), as well as other liberatory artistic, performance, and education practices.

        Reviews— this section will include commentaries on, reviews of, dialogue with, and opinions about texts and performances that are either recent/important publications in the field of TO/PO, and/or are relevant for discussion in our worldwide community of liberatory practice. Its main goal is the dissemination of and critical dialogue about ideas expressed in the texts and performances being reviewed.

        Project Reports— this section will include documentation of workshops, performances, and other projects. Created by facilitators and participants, these pieces should inform Journal readers/viewers about the range of TO, PO, and related activities around the world. Reports can be in any electronically reproducible format (written text, photos, videos, or any mixture thereof) as long as they indicate who is submitting them, who did the project, the relationship of the submitter to the producing group, and descriptive context that includes both a sense of purpose and process.

        Interviews— this section will include interviews conducted by the Journal editorial team with a range of TO and PO practitioners, scholars, professors and other people involved with liberatory actions from around the world.  

        PTO Conference Records this section will include photographic records of the PTO Conference, as well as transcriptions of communications, discussions, presentations, and short reports written by conference participants.

        Continuing the Conversation— this section will include comments; short-form responses;  letters; and other forms of feedback and suggestions. General readers and journal authors are likewise invited to contribute to Continue the Conversation with reflections on the works published in the journal, suggest books for review, people to be interviewed, and topics and practices we should address. 

        Spotlight Sessions this section will include the translation and transcription of Spotlight Session interviews of Journal contributors, and other liberatory practitioners, by the PTOJ editorial team. 

For more detailed descriptions of the sections, or to submit pieces, visit https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ptoj/